Discreet Massage in York – 100% Privacy Always

Keeps comms open throughout your treatmentWe really do believe your massage should be completely private and discreet here. We can assure you and all of our clients 100% discretion before, during and after treatment. We adhere to a voluntary code of conduct for massage therapists meaning we must keep any details about you both cofidential and private. We are happy to do this for you . So now you know, you can trust us, why not book your appointment today?

Discreet Massage – Your Complete Privacy Always

Relax Breathe UnwindWe ask some important questions here and answer them to the best of our ability to reasure you about discrection here. Why should massage be discreet? Exactly how discreet is a treatment with Relaxing Massage in York and why is it like that? What are the codes of conduct we follow? These questions and many more are answered here in detail. We want to build a bond of trust with you as a client. That therapist client bond is a primary aim, a must for us. We think you will agree after reading this it is very desirable for you too. We aim to please you as best we can. We keep quiet about how massage pleases you and who clients are we please. You and we will know. No one else will.

Why Should Massage be Discreet?

Discreet cherub saying shhh. Privacy please.Here are some really good reasons why your treatment should be and is totally private here. OK, so let’s think about this for a moment using a few poignant questions. This might help explain it bit better for you.

  1. To some extent you are a private person. You don’t want everyone to know everything about your business do you? What happens during a discreet Relaxing Massage is private. No one else will ever know but you and your therapist.
  2. Imagine that you are stressed and are holding onto that stress as tension in your muscles. Whnere you are tense and how much tension you are holding on to will be completely private information between you and your therapist. Others don’t need to know anything about this.
  3. You booked last week and at last you are going to get your long-awaited massage. Would you prefer the entrance to be on a busy public street where everyone can see you go in or on a quiet road? The Relaxation Room is on a quiet street and we have a drive for you to pull into. If you dont want to be seen coming in you wont be.
  4. Now, just imagine you are going to disrobe down to your underwear, as you would when trying on some new clothes. Do you want that to be in public or would you prefer it to be in a discreet environment? There are privacy screens to disrobe behind or your therapist can wait outside the troom until you are ready. Undressing is very discreet here.
  5. Next, imagine you are going to lay down as above. Then have someone manipulate your skin and underlying tissues to help you relax. Should everyone know this and see it or should it just be between you and your therapist?
  6. As your therapist relaxes you, you may inadvertently comment positively or sigh in pleasure due to that totally relaxing feeling as it happens. Only your therapist will recognise this when it happens here, no one else will ever know.
  7. You may be made of a bit more than skin and bone. What ever size you are is OK we do not judge you here. This is kept private it is not discussed with anyone else.
  8. Your other half might not like the idea of you being touched and soothed all over by another person. That’s OK too, we don’t tell anyone.

Exactly How Discreet & Private are Your Massages?

A massage treatment here is compleley discreet, 100% private and totally confidential. To quote and old film, “What happens at Relaxing Massage stays at Relaxing Massage”. You are treated as an honoured guest as you arrive, during your treatment and after you leave. We want you to trust us enough to come back again. We know you will enjoy your treatment but, you can also rely on how private we keep information about you. It is also stated in law that we must do this. We are a law abiding company.

Codes of Conduct We Follow

Logo of the Federation of Holistic Therapists which we are members of.We are also members of a number of well-known organisations. Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) & Associated Beauty Therapists (ABT). All of these have a code of conduct. We as professionals always adhere to these voluntary codes. These codes of conduct all agree about at least one topic and that is massage should be completely private. Your treatment will be completely discreet and totally private here.

Records are a Legal Requirement but Kept 100% Private

When you get a treatment here, we keep private records that are secured for a 7 year period, as the voluntary codes of conduct we follow state we should. This is also a legal requirements for a business and we are a law abiding compnay. These are kept by us for our purposes only and are never shown to anyone else unless we are required to do so by law.

These records will help us to treat you better. If we have background information about what you like and what you don’t like, this makes your nest treatment much more personalised. You are a discreet and private person and we are a discreet and private operation. Call to book your appinment today! 07979 814 388

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