Massage Reduces High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Picture of man checking for high blood pressureMassage helps to reduce high blood pressure which is something 1 in 4 people suffer from. There are many scientific papers from recent studies and from over the last few decades, that prove it. Make an appointment today and let us try to lower your high blood pressure levels too.

The American Massage Therapy Association (2017) says massage is a good complementary therapy for helping to reduce BP and we agree. NHS (2016) says 1 in 4 people in the UK have high blood pressure which is also called hypertension by health professionals. Massage has been proven to lower your blood pressure in numerous research papers over many years. Call 07979 814388 today to make an appointment.

Use Massage as a Complement to Your Your Doctors Orders

Coe P. et al (2006) tells us Swedish massage does the most good in lowering your Blood Pressure. It helps to relax you, lowers anxiety level and releases muscles tension. This will obviously help reduce high blood pressure. Relaxation is being calm and that means your heart rate will come down. People with anxiety have racing hearts during episodes and these can be reduced. Tense muscles will promote high blood pressure. The AAPB (Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback) tells us if muscles are contracted (in tension) continually, it makes blood vessels smaller, meaning you will have higher BP. Massage aids all of these symptoms and more. It is a good way to compliment any medication or instructions your doctor may have given you to help. Please note, if you have been diagnosed with hypertension, you will need your doctor’s permission to receive treatment. 

Exactly What is Hypertension / High Blood Pressure?

Picture of heart rate pointing to reducing hypertensionYour doctor should measure your BP while you are resting. It is recorded as 2 numbers. Systolic blood pressure is the maximum pressure in your arteries as the heart contracts, pushing blood around your body. Diastolic blood pressure is the minimum pressure exerted on your arteries when your heart relaxes. These are normally written by medical professionals as systolic / diastolic. NHS (2016) says normal BP ranges from 120/80 to 90/60. High blood pressure is diagnosed when either of these measurements is over 140/90 regularly.

Show Me the Evidence That Massage is Good for HIgh Blood Pressure

There have been many scientific research papers produced over the years that say blood pressure is reduced by massage therapy. This is now taken as common knowledge however, I will go into the detail to prove the fact.

  • Wang M. PhD et al (2016) analysed the results of 9 randomised controlled trails of massage on subjects with higher than normal BP. Results say massage helps the reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure when compared to control groups that didn’t get massage.
  • Givi M. (2016) reports on 50 women with pre-hypertension (BP over 120/80). 25 had Swedish massage and 25 had no intervention. BP was measured before, after and 72 hours after treatment. Both systolic and diastolic pressures were lower after and 72 hours after massage when compared with the control group.
  • Gholami-Motlagh F. at al (2016) studied 20 healthy females. They were randomly assigned to have Swedish massage on face, legs and arms or front and back torso. Systolic BP was lowered by all treatments. Interestingly diastolic BP was lowered also but, only by front and back torso treatment.
  • Walaszek R. (2015) studied women aged 60 and older diagnosed with hypertension. Massage of the lower limbs was given every day for 10 days. BP dropped after massage apart from diastolic 5 minutes after.
  • Jefferson L. (2010) reports on the prevalence of hypertension in African-American women. Results 1 week after massage intervention showed significance decreases in systolic and lower diastolic blood pressure levels.
  • Kaye D. MD PhD (2008) says average systolic and diastolic blood pressures were reduce and average heart rate dropped after massage.




AMTA (2017) Massage Therapy Industry Fact Sheet Accessed 03 09 2018

Coe P. et al (2006) Changes in Blood Pressure After Various Forms of Therapeutic Massage: A Preliminary Study [Online] Available at Accessed 03 09 2018

AAPB (No Date) Relaxation [Online] Available at Accessed 03 09 2018

NHS (2016) Overview – High blood pressure (hypertension) [Online] Available at Accessed 03 09 2018

Wang M. PhD et al (2016) Effects of Massage on Blood Pressure in Patients With Hypertension and Prehypertension: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials [Online] Available at Accessed 03 09 2018

Givi M. (2013) Durability of Effect of Massage Therapy on Blood Pressure [Online] Available at Accessed 03 09 2018

Gholami-Motlagh F. at al (2016) Comparing the effects of two Swedish massage techniques on the vital signs and anxiety of healthy women. [Online] Available at Accessed 03 09 2018

Jefferson L. (2010) Exploring effects of therapeutic massage … on blood pressure … in hypertensive African-American women… [Online] Available at Accessed 03 09 2018

Kaye D. MD PhD (2008) The Effect of Deep-Tissue Massage Therapy on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate [Online] Available at Accessed 07 04 2019

6 responses

  1. Hi There,

    Now the other day, it was my brother who recommended this site to me. Thank goodness he did what a mine of wonderful information you have produced here. I really like this web site. This particular article is very poignant to me because I have BP issues. I have been to the doctor and have been prescribed some tablets which i religiously take every day. But I am looking at alternatives too, like massage. If I come for treatment with you, what will be the effects for me?


    1. Hi Zel,

      Thanks for your enquiry and question. The effects of massage are unique for each individual. Just like tasting a food for the first time, there are some massage strokes and styles you will enjoy more than others. Generally, you should go away after treatment feeling better than when you arrived. Where your blood pressure is concerned, first and foremost please keep taking your prescribed medication. The positive effects of massage on blood pressure are very well documented by numerous studies. So, the likelihood is post treatment your blood pressure will be lowered by massage. However, I cannot guarantee this, it is just a very common, positive side effect. If you wish, as I do have a blood pressure machine here, we could measure your BP before and after your massage? Then you would have more concrete evidence of what happens. Feel free to book in and let me know your thoughts about our little experiment? Call or text 07979 814388 to book in today.

      All the best, Kevin

  2. Your blog post was a great resource for me. I have high blood pressure and am looking for holistic natural ways to low it. I did enjot how you used some examples and even a case study or two well done. I think doing that adds credibility to what you are writing. Can I ask some advice from you? Could I use massage instead of the meds Ive been given and will that lower my bp as much?

    1. Hi Natalia, Thank you for your positive feedback on my work. It’s good to know someone reads it and likes it too. In answer to your question massage is a complementary therapy. However, it should never be used as a replacement for what the doctor has prescribed for you. Use it alongside rather than instead of. If you would like to come in for a treatment, feel free to call 07979814388 today. All the best, Kevin

  3. I do appreciate the real-life examples and case studies that you’ve included in your post. They make the content relatable and applicable to my own situation. I will be in touch to book in for treatment soon. I just need to think a bit longer.

    1. Good morning Nick. Thank you for you comment. Thinking about your issues is a good way to gain insight into them. Sometimes this can offer up a solution for you. However, be careful about overthinking. When a solution does not present itself, it can lead you into a cycle of thought that has no end. So, if you do not find any insight, that would be the time to book in. All the best, Kevin

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