Wringing Petrissage Stroke – How to Where to & Effects
Wringing Petrissage Stroke – How to Where to & Effects Wringing is what is termed a medium depth stroke. These are deeper strokes than effleurage that stimulate muscle tissue under the epidermis and dermis. It is done using 2 hands, pulling flesh and then pushing it together. Therapist look like they are dancing as they […]
Kneading Strokes – Palmer Digital Thumb & Ulnar Border
Kneading Strokes – Palmer Digital Thumb & Ulnar Border Kneading is a petrissage stroke used generally after effluerage. The technique is similar in motion to kneading bread. It is a medium depth stroke that relaxes muscle tension and stimulates the skin. It can be done with palms, fingers, thumbs or the side of the hand. […]
Suffering Osteoarthritis & Knee Pain? Massage Can Help You
Knee osteoarthritis is a common condition that can be painful. Massage therapy and myofacsial release thechniques have proven benefitable for all sorts of osteoarthritis in many studies. Self-massage can help but, an experienced professional working on your knee will be better.
Thigh Stiffness – Massage for Release of Tension in Hamstrings
Thigh Stiffness – Massage for Release of Tension in Hamstrings Massage has been proven to be helpful in the management of pain in the hamstrings. Your hamstrings are 3 muscles at the back of your thigh. They are in constant use when ever you are on your feet or doing sport. You can damage your […]